Our group is interested in in-situ measurement of nanoscale dynamics in functional materials and biological systems by optical spectro-microscopy imaging methods. Current studies include single molecule imaging, super-resolution imaging, single particle tracking, advanced optical microscopy, and spectroscopy systems development.



Meek’s collaboration work with Dr. Shang Jia’s lab has been published in JACS Au. Engineering Central Substitutions in Heptamethine Dyes for Improved Fluorophore Performance. Congratulations to all co-authors!!!


Our group received the Doctoral New Investigator grant from the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund (ACS PRF) from . In this project, we aim to advance our understanding of the molecular dynamics of carbocation intermediates in zeolite catalysis. Zeolites, serving as Brønsted acid catalysts in fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) in oil refinery, play a crucial role in hydrocarbon transformation. The successful completion of this project is expected to provide novel insights into the nature of key carbocation intermediates and their interactions with zeolite frameworks. This understanding will facilitate the rational design of more efficient industrial catalysts, contributing to advancements in the field of zeolite catalysis.


We have three new undergraduate students, Parker Foley, Joie Embree, and Erin Dewald, joining our lab for their undergraduate research. Welcome!


Our group received the 2024 Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh (SACP) Starter grant. With this support, we aim to develop a spectrally resolved super-resolution fluorescence microscopy approach to discern different types of carbocation intermediates at single molecule level. Students will develop valuable skills in analytical chemistry for this project, including developing and validating the performance of optical spectrochemical methods with the core concepts of sensitivity, resolution, and accuracy.


Ethan’s work on High Throughput Spectrally Resolved Super-Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy with Improved Photon Usage has been published in Analyst. Congratulations to all co-authors!!!


Congratulations to Ethan for winning the 2024 Goldwater Fellowship. The Goldwater Fellowship is the most prestigious undergraduate fellowship for the natural sciences and is highly competitive. The list of scholars can be found here. University of Arkansas News!


Ethan and Darby presented their work at ACS SURC 2024. Ethan was awarded “1st Place – Physical Chemistry Oral Presentation”.


Ethan presented his work on hyper-spectral microscopy imaging of nanoparticles at Arkansas STEM Posters @ the Capitol. Read more here.


Ethan was awarded the GSSPC Undergraduate Travel Grant to attend and present his work on hyper-spectral microscopy imaging of nanoparticles in ACS National Meeting Spring at New Orleans. The symposium is titled “Nanoparticle Heterogeneity: Realizing Strengths by Embracing the Differences”. Thanks for the sponsorship @CSENND_GSSPC


Meek’s Analytical Chemistry paper is published online. This work is selected to be the front cover of this issue of publication. Read more here.


Meek’s work on Reaction Initiated Single Molecule Tracking of Mass Transfer in Core-Shell Mesoporous Silica Particle is accepted for publication in Analytical Chemistry. Congratulations to all co-authors!!!


Meek’s work on Automated Five-Dimensional Single Particle Tracking by Bifocal Parallax Dark-Field Microscopy with Electronic Tunable Lens has been published in Analytical Chemistry. Congratulations to all co-authors!!!


Congratulations to Ethan and Darby! Ethan has been selected for the 2024 SURF Grant administered by the Arkansas Division of Higher Education (ADHE) award. Darby has been awarded for the Office Undergraduate Research Grant.


We have a new lab member, Brooke Rainwater, joining our lab. Welcome! Brooke will investigate single particle single molecule heterogeneous catalysis in solid catalysts for her PhD study.


The whole lab attended the ACS Southwest Regional Meeting in Oklahoma City. Bin was invited to give a talk in the Functional Inorganic Materials Symposium. Meek gave a talk of her work on ETL 5D SPORT in resolving intracellular transport of nano cargo in live cell.


Our research group is awarded the 2023 Faculty Equipment & Technology Grant. We will use this grant to purchase a ThermoFisher Lindberg/Blue M™ Moldatherm™ Box Furnaces for Undergraduate Research projects.


Hooray, Congratulations to Ethan and Darby! Darby won 1st Place in the poster presentation and Ethan won Honorable Mention in Chemistry in the oral presentation in the field of chemistry at the Arkansas INBRE Research Conference (Nov. 3rd-4th, 2023). Keep up the excellent work, guys!


Bin is awarded the 2023 Robert and Sandra Connor Faculty Fellowship. 


Geun Wan Kim joined our lab for Postdoctoral Research. Welcome, Dr. Kim!!!


Bin is selected to becoming a Scialog Advancing Bioimaging (ABI) Fellow!


Meek gave a talk on 5D ETL SPORT in the Analytical Seminar!


Our first paper on single-particle spectroscopy and microscopy imaging is published on Analytical Chemistry. Congratulations to all co-authors!!!


Grace Strode joined our lab for undergraduate Chemistry Research. Welcome!!! Grace works on developing advanced optical microscopy imaging methodologies.


Ethan and our lab has been awarded an “Honors College Research Grant”. Congratulations!!!


Elric Pott joined our lab as a graduate student. Welcome!!! Elric will work on developing advanced optical spectroscopy and microscopy imaging methods.


Congratulations to Ethan for wining the Honorable Mention in Chemistry” award in the 2022 Arkansas INBRE Research Conference at Fayetteville, Arkansas.


Our research group is awarded the 2022 Faculty Equipment & Technology Grant. We will use this grant to purchase a Hamamatsu Flash 4.0 V3 camera for Undergraduate Research projects. Looking forward to taking exciting and beautiful imaging data.


Darby Heffer joined our lab for undergraduate Chemistry Research. Welcome!!! Darby works on chemical imaging of heterogeneous catalysis on nanomaterials.


Garrett Meadows joined our lab for undergraduate Honors Chemistry Research. Welcome!!! Garrett works on single particle tracking study in live cells.


Our lab attended 2022 ACS National Meeting in Chicago! Bin gave a talk in symposium of “Spectroscopy, Imaging, & Dynamics of Energy Related Materials”. Meek and Ethan gave a poster presentation in Analytical division.


Faculty Highlight Series. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0B9gm-3E_RY


Bin gave a Poster on “Resolving Cargo-Motor-Track Interactions with Bifocal Parallax Single-Particle Tracking” in 2022 Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.


Our Annual Review of Physical Chemistry paper is online now. Welcome to take a look! Imaging Dynamic Processes in Multiple Dimensions and Length Scales


The first undergraduate student, Ethan, joined the research group. Welcome!


Bin gave a talk on “Single-molecule Photocatalytic Dynamics at Individual Defects in Two-dimensional Layered Materials” in 2021 ACS Midwest Regional Meeting, Springfield, MO.


Bin gave a talk on “Spectro-Microscopy Imaging of Nanoscale Dynamics” in the class of Introduction to Research.


Bin presented our research on “Single Molecule Imaging of Heterogeneous Catalysis” in Physical Chemistry Seminar at U of A.


Bin presented our research on “Multi-Dimensional Imaging” in Analytical Chemistry Seminar at U of A.


Our lab website is on.


Bin attended the New Faculty Orientation.


The first graduate student, Meek, joined the research group. Welcome!


Bin started his career at University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.